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DIY Macro Pad/Streamdeck This was my first true electronics project, and my first time soldering things. The end result is very much worth it, and I gotta say I'm pretty proud with how it came out. I use it during KP Radio broadcasts to cut between tracks and what not :3 |
IRL Banhammer I want a phsyical banhammer I can swing to ban people with from my chat. It'll essentially be a puck I slam my ban hammer onto -- and it ONLY works if you do it hard |
KP Radio light up on-air button You know those big red signs radio stations'll have that say 'LIVE' or something when broadcasting? Well, if I use an internet connected arduino/rasberry Pi, I should be able to tie into the metadata my station transmits and have it automatically light up when KP Radio is live! should be cool |
Dual Band DIY Yagi 5 Watts can get you pretty damn far if you're using the right antenna. Thing is, they can be super expensive, and with a 3D printer or even just some PVC and tape measure, you can create a directional antenna powerful enough to let you speak with astronauts on the ISS! |