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Drop me a line!

Hey there! You can call me KingPoss, or KP for short. I’m a dude in my mid 20s, living up in the mountains. I’m fairly introverted and don’t get too much outside company up here, but I enjoy the peace and silence, and the company of my lover and family. My hobbies are varied and I tend to bounce around from thing to thing. Painting, 3D modeling, programming, microscopy, radio etc etc. I’d say I’m no good at most of it, but I have a lot of fun tinkerin’, and it’s nice to try something new. I’m always finding cool interests that way!

My day by day is pretty layed back. I spend a lot of that time just smokin’ n jokin’ with my gal, working on little projects/art pieces and playing with my dog. I’m a big gamer, and a big VR nerd as well! I’m not on as often as before, but you can find me in Vrchat with my full body trackers on, bustin’ it down on the virtual dancefloor if the moment is right.

I’ve been a furry for over a decade, and as you can probably tell from this site, my Fursona is a Virginia Opossum. They’re slow, they can’t see very well, and they’re pretty oblivious to what’s going on around them. They’re also incredibly trashy and essentially harmless, and to be honest those are all qualities I possess. I cant help but love em! Introvert as I am, I still really enjoy going to furmeets and the like. No one parties like furries do!

That’s all I can think of to share right now, but I’m a pretty open book. Ask and you shall receive. I say I’m introverted, but I also really enjoy conversation and hanging out with others, I just value my alone time. On the side here you’ll find buttons for my Telegram and E-Mail address, feel free to reach out to me on either, or on the chatbox on my index page. I’m never that far from a terminal.