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Hello World

Hello world! It feels good to get this posting system atleast slightly worked out...

I've wanted a way to quickly update my webpage with posts without having to format each post in HTML every time. There's tons of premade solutions but honestly none of them quite clicked with me if that makes sense? IDK

To actually type these posts out, I'm using BlueGriffon. there's other options like Marked, converting markdown to html client-side, but that still wouldn't let me float photos/media along with the text without more HTML kajiggering. Honestly even this bluegriffon solution is half baked as I want one singlular program to write the posts in, that also updates the JSON and pushes to neocities using the API, but it atleast lets me edit posts as if it's a regular word editor, and just gives me the HTML without any hassle or inbetween. WYSIWYG editors are dying but it's good to know there's still SOMETHING out there for HTML5.

Well, how have you been, fellow reader? I've been pretty good myself. This post is a test more than anything but It's still nice to finally update the site.I feel like at this point most of the possum den is half baked, half implented solutions, but hey! greatness has to start somewhere right?

This whole website is my first exploration of HTML, CSS, JS...I care less about how the code looks on the backend, than how it actually functions and looks to users. The whole basis of my site and how parts are sectioned off comes from an initial misunderstanding of how tables work. It's fun to bodge together projects.

If this post has any purpose, I hope it inspires someone else to bodge together something. who cares if the HTML is a cascades nightmare, who cares if youre mixing tables and flexboxes...BE FREE, CREATE, YOU BEAUTIFUL CREATURE!

here's a cool picture for you: